Entered Information
Student Name: Zoey W
Grade: 12
Title: Wood Fired Mugs
Description: Thrown and wood fired cups
Dimensions: (L)3 x (W)3 x (H)5 (Inches)
Weight: 2 Lbs.
School: Frenship High School - Wolfforth, TX
Teacher: David Echols
Exhibition: The 27th Annual National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition

Additional Work Info
Clay Vendor: Other, Zerbies cone 10 stoneware
Wheel Vendor: Other, Creative Industries MP
Tool Vendor: Other, Various homemade and commercials tools
Glaze Vendor: Other, All glaze from flame and wood ash
Kiln Vendor: Other, Wood fired kiln at local clay center
Firing Temp: Wood, 36 hour wood firing with pine and live oak wood
Atmosphere: Both, mostly reduction firing but went in and out of oxidation
Cone Number: , kiln fired to cone 10-11
Entry Photos